Saturday, May 20, 2006

Do I have Arthritis?

Pain when bending by Anonymous

Question : WHENEVER I change position from standing or squatting, I cannot bend or straighten up immediately. It takes a few seconds because I feel pain and I strain. After that, there is a sense of relief. Can you tell me the cause of this and the remedies?

Answer : YOU may be suffering from arthritis. Arthritis refers to an inflammation of the joints. It may also indicate many disorders. Arthritis can attack any joint of the body such as fingers, wrists, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees, feet, ankles, neck and back.

Collectively, these are the symptoms of arthritis -- pain, redness, swelling, warmth, or stiffness in joints. The pain may worsen after physical work. A severe attack may cause fever or nausea as well as fatigue and depression. Among the causes are ageing, loss of cartilage, fracture and mechanical damage, improper alignments of joints, obesity or an autoimmune disease.

Celery seeds are regarded as a diuretic that eliminates acidic metabolites through the kidneys, making it very useful in gout and other arthritic conditions. Guaiacum possesses anti-rheumatic actions, which is beneficial for stiff and painful joints. These two herbs are usually used in combination with ginger, capsicum and sarsaparilla for synergistic actions.

Diet also plays an important role. Omega-3 (from fish oil) and omega-6 (from evening primrose oil) essential fatty acids have been found to increase the body's production of the prostaglandin that suppresses inflammation.

Avoid all red meat and saturated fats as they can be converted to inflammatory substances that can aggravate the condition. Increase intake of foods high in dietary fibre and complex carbohydrates. Watch out for foods like wheat, dairy products, corn, beef, tomato, potato, eggplants and peppers that may aggravate your pain. Cut down on the consumption of alcohol and caffeine. Drink plenty of water.

Light exercises such as brisk walking helps to keep the joint cartilage lubricated. It also strengthens the supporting structures (muscles, tendons and ligaments), and increases the range of motion and flexibility of the joints. Keep the joints warm at night and in cold weather by using a hot water bottle or towel and wear socks or cotton gloves.

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